Question: Are you a Republican, Democrat or Independent?
Answer: I’m a conservative Republican.
Question: Some of your stances on issues such as renewable energy, conservation and the environment aren’t typically associated with Republicans. In what ways are you a conservative Republican?
Answer: While many Republicans and Democrats alike agree with my stances on the environment and my support of renewable energy, what distinguishes me as a conservative are my stances on social and economic freedom issues. I support the Constitution as an inspired document to be preserved, not as a fluid document to be changed with every passing trend.
I am pro-life, pro-accountability and pro-transparency. I believe in personal responsibility. I support smaller government and less regulation of businesses and education as well as responsible immigration policies. I believe in helping people help themselves. I respect the law and law enforcement. While I am not afraid to think outside of the box, most of my values align with Republican Conservative ideals. President Theodore Roosevelt was both a Republican and a Conservationist — proving it is possible and prudent to be a Republican while also supporting environmental responsibility and forward thinking for our future generations. I’ve always considered myself a Roosevelt Republican.
Question: Do you support the Second Amendment?
Answer: Yes, I support the Second Amendment. I do not believe our right to bear arms should be infringed upon. And I will not support changing the amendment in any way — period. I believe it should be preserved as written. While I do not believe in losing our rights as set forth by our forefathers, I also do not agree with adding extraneous things like bump stocks, high-powered magazines, grenades, bombs, or every war weapon ever invented. Those weapons were unfathomable when the Second Amendment was written. We can preserve and protect our right to bear arms without changing and expanding the meaning of guns to include all wartime arsenal ever invented. We need to always refer to the Second Amendment as written and neither expand nor diminish it.
Question: Do you support President Trump?
Answer: I’ve always supported the President of the United States of America.
Question: Why would you run for Governor without experience in politics? Why not a different office then work your way up?
I chose to run for governor for three reasons:
- The government needs fresh ideas and a fresh perspective; not beaten down workers of the system. As a political outsider, I can deliver this.
- The governor is the CEO of a state. I am the CEO of my company. I can use the knowledge and skills I’ve gained from growing and managing several successful businesses to help Nevada’s government become more efficient.
- If I don’t fight for this job, Nevada will flip and become an unbalanced blue TriFecta state.
Question: When is the primary election?
Answer: You may request an absentee (mail in) ballot anytime before May 7. Early voting is May 26-June 8. Absentee voting is due no later than June 5. June 12, 2018 is Election Day. Please see our Election Guide for further details about when and where you can vote.
Question: I would like to vote for you but I’m not a registered Republican. Will I be able to vote for you in the Primary Election?
Answer: You must be a registered Republican to vote in the Republican Primary. I encourage you to update your voter registration so that you can vote for me. It only takes a few minutes to do so. Please visit Online Voter Registration. If you are not Republican, you can switch parties, even temporarily, to vote for me. The last date to register to vote or to switch parties to Republican or to request a mail in ballot so you can vote from home is May 15.