Volunteer Volunteer Join Team Fisher for a Healthy Nevada (Pick as many as you'd like, and welcome to the team!)* get a yard sign bumper sticker or car magnet walk neighborhoods Strava run/bike team contest make phone calls host a house party host a fundraiser endorse Jared join us at parades and events donate I'll help with anything Name* First Last Email Address* Phone Number*Voter Pledge (confidential) I will vote for Jared on or before June 12 Undecided Text Messaging Opt in* Send me a once a week text update Only text me when it's time to vote Please do not text me Count me in with ____ for a Healthy Nevada: Students Women Teachers Veterans Seniors Athletes Musicians Clean Air, Clean Water and Clean Energy Advocates First Responders (Police, EMT, Fire) Small Business Owners Best reason to support Fisher for change: Stronger Education Cleaner Energy More Diversified Economy Healthier Lifestyle, Healthcare & Mental Health Support Other Please specifyCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.